Well, here we are with another milestone to boast about-issue 150. Already this year, we celebrated our 15th anniversary issue, and now comes another achievement. No matter how I personally look at it, creating Shelf Life in 1998 and continuing the publication to feature books of all genres, has been a most satisfying accomplishment.
From issue 1 onward, it has always been about the reader, showcasing the best in books and offering variety no matter where your literary likes lie. Whether you enjoy fiction, biographies, sports, fashion, cooking or a host of other areas, we have tried to give you a cross-section of books more varied than other book review publications. And based on your feedback, we think we have succeeded.
As always, we thank the publishers for supplying us with hundreds of quality books over the years. Of course, we thank the readers for picking up the issues each month, and of course, I personally thank all the reviews who have shown their review talents.
So here is to the next 150 (we hope) issues, and our non-wavering commitment to give you a vast array of choices for your reading pleasures. Let us know how we can improve future issues. Email us at: Shelf-life1@rogers.com. Thanks as always to everyone.
Paul Sutter
There are many things that happen in the month of October. Thanksgiving in Canada, Halloween, and most notably shorter and chillier nights are trademarks of this month. The shorter nights mean people are indoors more and that is the perfect time to grab a good book and immerse yourself in it, whether it be fiction of non-fiction.
The issue provides you with a go-to list of great books to put you in the mood for such nights, and we hope you find one or hopefully many more books to give you enjoyable evenings.
So sit back, relax, and leave the driving to us, as we steer you in the direction of the best in books.
Paul Sutter
Stalker's Music and Mags | Attic Books | G&A Book Exchange |
Star Laundry | Westmount Library | London Public Library |
Carson Branch Library | Beacock Branch Library | Masonville Branch Library |
H# Sommers Books | Oxford Book Shop | Wendell Holmes |
Dorchester Public Library | North Star Ice Ltd# | City Lights |
the Village Idiot |
Paul Sutter-Editor
Shelf Life
1025 Oxford Street East
LONDON, Ontario, Canada
N5Y 3K8
e-mail: shelf-life1@rogers#com
Subscriptions are available for $14 per year for 12 issues in Canada or $20 for 12 issues in the United States# This is to cover the costs of postage and handling# All contents are copyright 2001 Shelf Life Publications#